

How Bankruptcy Impacts Existing Judgments

People in Florida who have existing judgments or liens often hesitate to file for bankruptcy. After all, many of these people believe that these types of legal instruments are final and that it is too late to pursue a good credit report. This is a misconception, however. The following reviews some important information to consider about the impact that filing for bankruptcy can have on existing judgments. Impact of Bankruptcy on Pending Judgments After filing for bankruptcy, an automatic stay is[...]

Deficiency Judgment: You May Owe More than Your Home

If you’re like most people, when you hear the word foreclosure you think of the loss of a home.  But when a foreclosure action is instituted against borrowers who own an underwater home, there’s also a risk that the borrower’s could lose their home and be subject to a judgment against them for money owed in addition to turning over the home.  This is called a deficiency judgment. Deficiency Judgment In past Florida foreclosure blogs, we’ve briefly discussed deficiency judgments but itâ[...]