
Reasons to Obtain Residential Property Surveys

Home buyers in Florida are not required to survey residential property before closing on a new home. Despite this, it is often a good idea to perform an inspection to determine if one or more material issues exist that will have a detrimental effect on the value of a home.
A survey lists all of the distinct characteristics about a home. In Florida, these surveys are performed by licensed surveyors. As part of survey creation, a licensed surveyor visits the property and records certain information about the home. A surveyor will make an independent and professional determination about the land as well any improvements that are made on it.
The Advantages a Survey Offers
Surveys tend to include information about boundary lines, descriptions of where improvements can be found on the property, the location of utilities, the location of easements, and boundary line encroachments.

  • No matter how long a property lives in a home or how established the area is, it is still very common for boundary lines to be negotiated between neighbors. In many cases, a property assumes that a property line is in one place when its legal description says something different. This can present substantial problems if a buyer wants to construct something along a property line.
  • A survey includes information about everything that exists in or on top of the land including buildings, fencings, and other features. A surveyor has the ability to determine whether these improvements adhere to federal or state law. If a surveyor determines that any violation among improvements is occurring, a survey will inform the buyer about any violations.
  • Florida has particular requirements about how residential utilities must be placed. Buyers and sellers are often unaware of the regulations that apply to the location of utilities on land. Fortunately, surveys reveal the utilities that exist on the land.
  • In surveys, easements are shown and described regarding who has the right to access property as well as the extent of the easement. The survey can also provide reference sources for easements.
  • Hidden easements are often not seen by merely walking around a property. Fortunately, a survey can reveal information about what hidden easements exist on a property.
  • Right of way easements are recognized in Florida when there is no other reasonable way to access land except by going over another piece of property. Surveys will show where easements exist as well as whom has the right to access the property.
  • A survey will often include references to natural characteristics of the land that can impact its value including creeks, lakes, and ponds.
  • A surveyor’s process will depend on both physical markers at a property as well as recorded instruments. As a result, surveyors are often able to resolve discrepancies that exist among recorded instruments.
  • A topographic survey is performed to determine features of the property as well as any elevation changes .

Speak with an Experienced Real Estate Lawyer Today
There are a number of important issues that should be considered when purchasing residential property. Many of these issues can substantially impact the value of the property. Fortunately, an experienced real estate attorney can help a buyer deal with issues that are found on a survey. Contact the Adam Law Group today to schedule an initial free consultation.